Stomach Fat How to Burn it Off Quickly- By: Mark Thomas

Description : Ask yourself why do you have stomach fat? This question isn t meant as a criticism, but is rather meant to get you to think about the lifestyle choices that you have made in the past.

In order to address the problem of excess stomach fat, we really need to take a look at two very important factors exercise and diet. In fact, if you can get just these two parts of your lifestyle in order, then it’s easy to burn stomach fat.

The usual cause of stubborn belly fat is a lack of exercise. To find out if this is the case, ask yourself this question: are you currently working out for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, five days a week? Are you splitting your workouts between strength training and aerobic activity?

If your answer to the above is no , or if your activity level is so low that the idea of working out makes you break out in a cold sweat, then we need to address this problem.

Your eating habits are another obvious area to analyze. Are you consuming more than your body actually needs? One way to determine this is to consult a chart on your basal metabolic rate. If you are indeed consuming too many calories, then cutting down is a must if you want to achieve your weight loss goals.

You may be suffering from a very low metabolic rate due to lack of proper nutrition. This can lead to some people being overweight even though they only eat one or meals per day. The science behind this is that the human body adapts to poor nutrition and irregular eating schedules by storing up food as fat, because it doesn t know when it will be receiving food again. It s part of the natural human survival instinct.

So, if you are one of those who falls within the profile of poor eating habits and lack of exercise, then, unfortunately, you have only yourself to blame for your current body shape. The goods news though is that it is 100 possible to reverse the damage that you have done up until now.

In order to burn stomach fat from your body, you ll need a combination of an effective diet and exercise program. A combination of improving your metabolism, by eating small frequent meals, and daily aerobic and strength training workouts, will see you getting visible results quickly. If you strictly stick to your new program, within a week you should see a reduction in your belly fat.

Of course, it is easy to say than it is to do, but the best things in life always take some time and effort to achieve. The first few days will seem ok, then it will get really tough, but within a couple of weeks you ll have gathered momentum and you will have adapted to your new lifestyle. So, stop making excuses, and start taking positive action to get the body shape that you ve always dreamed of.

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Author Resource : Take a look at the 'The Truth About Abs' formula that worked for me and thousands of other people: By Mark Walters.